Abstract Requirements
Abstracts are invited on the topics outlined and others falling within the scope of meeting. Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be submitted to the Conference Secretariat by June 30, 2007.
Abstracts should clearly state the purpose, results and conclusions of the research work. We strongly encourage the online abstracts submission via web page: www.ecochem2007.mrda.md.
All abstracts should be typed in English with 1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman, 12 point size, with margins of 2.5 cm at the sides and on the top and bottom.
Title of abstracts:
- A concise and informative title of abstract of no more than two-lines length (Times New Roman bold, all caps, 14 point size).
- Autor(s)' full name(s): last name, then first name, should be written below the title (Times New Roman, bold, 12 point size).
- Autor(s)' affiliation(s), city and country will be provided immediately after their full name (Times New Roman, 12 point size).
- When the paper has more than one author, their name will be followed by a mark (Arabic numeral) as superscript; for the corresponding author, an asterix will be added.
Formula, symbols and abbreviations:
- Formula will be typeset in Italics and should be written or marked for such in the abstract, unless they require a different styling. The formula should be quoted on the right side, between brackets.
- The more complex chemical formula should be presented as figures.
- Abbreviations should be defined when first mentioned in the abstract and again in the main body of the text and used consistently thereafter.
- International System Units be used throughout.