East meets West
Ecological Chemistry 2007
4th International Conference
November 12-15, 2007, Braunschweig, Germany

Contact Info

Tel.: 0373 22 57 77 07 Fax: 0373 22 22 63 29 Email: ecochem2007@mrda.md Web: ecochem2007.mrda.md
Munich University of Technology, Germany

Institute of Chemical-Technical Analysis and Chemical Food Technology

The Institute of Chemical-Technical Analysis and Chemical Food Technology focuses research on the enrichment of valuable and elimination of undesirable substances (particularly proteins and enzymes), food analysis for hazardous substances and halogenated pollutants, analysis of hazardous substances in air at workplaces, isolation and identification of flavours and antioxidants from plant materials, and proteome analysis and identification of stress-proteins. With this, this institute is working at the interface of man and the envrionment with an emphasis on the foodchain.


Ecological Chemistry 2005

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